
Drexel University is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

This means that the university is exempt from paying sales tax in most states + that when purchases are made on behalf of the university (this includes all student org. purchases), we MUST NOT pay sales tax.


When you are making any in-store purchases or payments with a Drexel credit card or other payment method on behalf of Drexel, you MUST ensure that you are NOT charged for sales tax. You will need to communicate this to the cashier or whoever is processing payment.

This also applies when you are speaking to or collecting invoices from vendors. The payment cannot be processed if the invoice lists sales tax as any amount other than $0.00. Please make sure this is communicated to the vendor/s you are working with.

**Most vendors will ask for you to send them proof of Drexel’s tax-exempt status. We have this paperwork on file and you can get it from the current treasurer.